The Vaccinated Vandal made another deposit in a ghetto girl’s “hood pussy” today. I wonder how many of the women he has bred will carry to full term and end up saying, “you were created on a Ghetto Gaggers set with the Vaccinated Vandal!” It seems like one-third are already showing. On Black Twitter, they seem keenly interested in having a light skinned baby. This hood rat was still almost unrecognizable as she took it in her mouth, ass and pussy, Deepthroating each position in turn and getting double penetrated. Anal hooks were being used to restrict her movements, so she had no choice but to moan and present herself properly while also eating cum for them until her bashful face turned red. She had resigned herself to becoming someone else’s huge slut.
Get your password and start watching the entire video called “Baby Momma Day” on GhettoGaggers.com.